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Daniel Boone: The Christmas Story

The Christmas Story

A Child Is Born in Boonesborough

A tenuous peace agreement between warring tribes falls on the shoulders of a baby—who isn’t even born yet!

As a blizzard blows through, settlers in outlying homes head to the safety of Fort Boonesborough for food and shelter. Tension rises, however, when they discover diseased raccoons have gotten into the meat supply and the stored food must be thrown away. Now they have only what they were able to bring with them. But tempers flare when Oneha and Tawna, a young Native American couple, caught in the storm show up seeking a safe place to hunker down until the snow subsides. With barely enough to feed the settlers already in the fort, the townspeople turn them away, but Daniel takes pity on the couple and lets them in. Soon it’s obvious that Tawna is pregnant and due any day—and this is a special child. Oneha, a chief, and Tawna are akin to royalty, from tribes that have been at war for years. A child—especially a boy, born of their marriage will unite the two tribes in peace. As the townspeople joyfully prepare for Christmas with their meager decorations and scant food, they are unaware that a dark presence lurks among them, a man who will do anything—even kill—to prevent Tawna from having her baby.