The Fossil Feud

Jim Bridger guides an ambitious paleontologist to a remote fossil bed, only to discover another scientist has already arrived at the site. Suddenly, Bridger finds himself caught in the middle of a bitter dispute between rivals. After the fossil-hunters nearly come to blows over who should receive credit for the discovery of the rare dinosaur fossils, Bridger surprises them with a story of the true discoverers. In the tale, Bridger is fur-trapping in the area years earlier when he is chased into a remote valley by a group of murderous Canadian trappers. There, he runs headlong into a family of escaped slaves who show him the huge footprints and fossilized bones of long-dead monsters. As Bridger explains, the family had found the perfect place to hide since the fear of monsters was keeping people from venturing too deep into the valley. In the end, the two scientists concede that the monsters in Bridger’s tale were dinosaurs, and the escaped slaves were the first to discover the bones.